Insight Financial Partners, LLC
Financial Planners
At Insight Financial Partners, LLC, we understand both the incentive value of an employer sponsored retirement plan and the commitment required to administer these plans and adhere to the fiduciary responsibilities and liability associated with them. We specialize in the fiduciary support services of employer sponsored retirement plans. We collaborate with employer plan sponsors in an independent and objective manner, passionately dedicated to working Americans who we fundamentally believe deserve to achieve financial independence and retire on their own terms with dignity. We are free of any proprietary constraints or conflicts of interest, as we adhere to a true fiduciary standard of care. As a retirement plan advisory firm dedicated to the employer sponsored plan market, Insight Financial Partners, LLC delivers a plan governance process to business owners and senior management that follows statutory and fiduciary standards to mitigate liability and risk. We passionately advocate for the retirement outcomes of plan participants and their beneficiaries through innovative plan design, one-on-one and group education sessions, risk management and best-in-class investment options that seek to protect investors from severe losses in down markets while providing quality participation in rising markets. Our comprehensive fiduciary advisory service model and expertise is focused on employer sponsored 401(k), 403(b), Solo(k), defined benefit, non-qualified deferred compensation and College 529 savings plans. Our client relationships originate and are sustained through our passionate belief in our social responsibility to prudently guide our plan participants to financial wellness. It is this belief that becomes the foundation of our partnerships and co-fiduciary relationships. We believe that regardless of the number of clients we have at any point in time, we are an equal number of phone calls away from being out of business. We recognize that we are always on trial from a service standpoint, and that inherent awareness is what drives our relentless and on-going pursuit of continuous improvement and best-in-class client service. Insight Financial Partners, LLC helps financial intermediaries use prudent fiduciary practices to profitably gather, grow and protect investors’ assets. CEFEX, the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence, has certified Insight Financial Partners, LLC to the Fiduciary 360 (Fi360) standard, “Prudent Practices for Investment Advisors”. The CEFEX assessment is based on the international standard, ISO 19011: Guideline for quality and/or environmental system auditing, and is adjusted to align with the needs of the investment industry. Insight Financial Partners, LLC is certified as an Investment Advisor Representative to employer sponsored qualified retirement plans. The standard is substantiated by legislation, case law and regulatory opinion letters from the ERISA, UPIA, UPMIFA, and MPERS. The National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA), backed by the American Retirement Association, has recognized Insight Financial Partners, LLC as a Top Defined Contribution Advisory Firm in the U.S. in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.. Insight Financial Partners, LLC has partnered with LPL Financial and Global Retirement Partners, LLC to leverage expertise and solutions that are not only the best in the employer sponsored retirement plan industry, but the best for the employer sponsored retirement plan industry.
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