2023-2024 Monday Night Football Season Pass & Advertising

Monday, September 11, 2023 12:00 AM - Sunday, February 11, 2024 12:00 AM (CDT)


Welcome to the Chamber's Monday Night Football program! Once you purchase a Season Pass for $25 (or a 5-pack for $100), you are entitled to participate in each weekly contest throughout the season.

You will receive a weekly email with a randomized grid and instructions. For every Monday Night Football game of the NFL season, the score of the two teams for that week's game(s) at the end of the third quarter will be how the contest winner is determined - if the last two digits of your pass number match the grid at the end of the 3rd quarter, you win! Weekly winners will receive a $50 check via USPS mail (or in-person); Super Bowl winners will receive $100.

There is no limit on how many times you can win! 

You can just pull up your email from the Chamber that week and check your grid to see if you won or not.  Every participant will receive a second email each week announcing the weekly winners.

We are excited to share this new MNF Contest Format with you so you can enjoy a little friendly competition with other Chamber Members/Friends and possibly win some cash!

Monday Night Football advertising opportunities are available - email info@clchamber.com if you are interested!

We hope to have opportunities to meet and watch that week’s game at various local establishments.

I hereby give the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce permission to take, copyright and/or use, reuse and/or publish and/or republish pictures or images of me for the purpose of illustration, advertising, and promoting the agency through any medium. 

The Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce
427 W. Virginia St.
Crystal Lake, 60014
Event Contact
Kristin Parkin
815-459-1300 ext. 10
Send Email
Monday, September 11, 2023 12:00 AM - Sunday, February 11, 2024 12:00 AM (CDT)
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