2025 Athena Leadership Award Application

The ATHENA Leadership Award celebrates exemplary leadership and is reflective of a quote by Plato: What is honored in a country will be cultivated there. Over  7,000  Recipients have been honored with the ATHENA Leadership Award since the program’s inception in 1982.

Presented to leaders across professional sectors, the ATHENA Leadership Award’s rich history, international scope, and focus on mentorship distinguish it as one of the most prestigious leadership awards one can receive.


ATHENA Leadership Award Nominees must meet each of the following three criteria:

  • Demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession
  • Provide valuable service to improve the quality of life for others in their community
  • Actively assist women in achieving their full leadership potential


  • ATHENA Leadership Award Nominees may represent either the profit or not-for-profit sector.
  • Previous ATHENA Leadership Award Recipients are not eligible for nomination, however past nominees may be nominated again.
  • There is no minimum or maximum age qualification that must be met by ATHENA Leadership Award Nominees.


  • You are encouraged to work closely with your nominee to complete their nomination.
  • Nominations for the ATHENA Leadership Award must be submitted using this nomination form and format.
  • You may include supporting documents (articles, testimonials, etc) with your completed nomination form.

Deadline for submission: March 7th 2025


A Selection Committee made up of a diverse group of community leaders, will review all nominations and select the ATHENA Leadership Award Recipient. The Recipient will be announced at The Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce Annual Award Dinner on May 8th. 

Previous Winners:

  • 2019 – Jane Farmer
  • 2018 – Charie Zanck
  • 2017 – Suzanne Hoban
  • 2016 – Kathryn Martens
  • 2007 – Marilyn Georgy
  • 2006 – Pam Althoff
  • 2005 – Maggie Rivera
  • 2004 – Paula Dorion-Gray
  • 2003 – Lorraine Kopczynski
  • 2002 – Diane Kenney
  • 2001 – Due Whitfield
  • 2000 – Susan Van Weelden
  • 1999 – Daphne Starr
  • 1998 – Phyllis Mueller
  • 1997 – Gloria Urch
  • 1996 – Patti Lutz
  • 1995 – Kathy Powell
  • 1994 – Ethel Nemetz
  • 1992 – Robin Oerkfitz
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Nominee Information

Nominator Information

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ATHENA Leadership Award Nomination Information

Provide specific examples of how the nominee has demonstrated excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession.

Provide specific examples of how the nominee provides valuable service to improve the quality of life for others in their community. Include type and length of service in civic and service organizations and initiatives.

Provide specific examples of how the nominee has actively assisted women in achieving their full leadership potential, and/or demonstrated support for their personal and professional advancement.

Include any additional information you feel is important for consideration of your nominee. Include awards, honors, publications, articles and/or testimonials that demonstrate service to their profession, community, and, most importantly, aspiring and established women leaders.